
Vardenafil anvendes til behandling af mandlige seksuelle funktionsproblemer (impotens eller erektil dysfunktion) ved at blokere et bestemt enzym (phosphodiesterase-PDE5). I kombination med seksuel stimulation virker vardenafil ved at hjælpe blodgennemstrømningen i penis med at opnå og opretholde en erektion.

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Fortune Health Care Filitra 20 100 tabs (20 mg/tab)

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Fortune Health Care Filitra 20 (Vardenafil) 100 tabs - 20 mg each for erectile dysfunction. Achieve erectile dysfunction relief with Vardenafil’s rapid 10-100 mins onset and long-lasting 4-5 hours efficacy.
Fortune Health Care Filitra 20 10 tabs (20 mg/tab)

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Shop Fortune Health Care Filitra 20 for effective erectile dysfunction treatment. 10 tabs, 20 mg/tab.