Aburaihan Testosterone Enanthate 250 1 ml amp (250 mg/ml)

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Aburaihan Testosterone Enanthate 250 1 ml amp (250 mg/ml): Tesztoszteron Enanthate for optimal muscle growth, performance, és health benefits.

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Tesztoszteron Enanthate

Testosterone plays a crucial role in developing male sex organs and maintaining secondary sexual characteristics. It influences the growth of key reproductive organs, including the prostate, testes, and penis, and is vital for overall body development. This androgenic hormone also exhibits anabolic properties, promoting protein synthesis and fostering a favorable nitrogen balance, especially when coupled with a rich, low-calorie diet.

Moreover, testosterone stimulates red blood cell production by enhancing EPO synthesis in the kidneys, thereby boosting oxygen-carrying capacity. Long-term use may inhibit gonadotropin release due to negative feedback and potentially suppress spermatogenesis at elevated doses.


Testosterone enanthate (Delatestryl) is administered intramuscularly and should not be injected more than 1-2 times per month. This esterified formulation extends the hormone’s action duration, presenting as a clear yellowish suspension in sesame oil. Medical doses typically range from 250-500 mg monthly.


Delatestryl is indicated for conditions where testosterone levels are low or absent, such as:

  • Primary hypogonadism due to testicular damage
  • Hypogonadism resulting from pituitary dysfunction
  • Delayed puberty

In women with breast cancer, it counters estrogen effects, serving as a viable alternative to ovarian surgery. Long-term therapy is often required in testosterone deficiency cases until secondary sexual characteristics develop adequately.


Treatment duration for testosterone enanthate varies based on age, sex, diagnosis, and responses observed. When prescribed correctly, it is generally well tolerated. Always inject into gluteal muscles, rotating injection sites to mitigate abscess risk. Although rare, some may receive biweekly administrations, and doses should not exceed 1000 mg monthly to avoid prolonged effects. Always inspect the vial for clarity before use, as any cloudiness could signal inactivity. Standard treatment lasts 4-6 months, with proper storage at room temperature.


Delatestryl is commonly utilized by bodybuilders in off-seasons due to its prolonged presence in the body, but is generally avoided during active competition phases. While it offers notable anabolic and androgenic benefits, effects may not be recognized until 3-4 weeks in. Many also combine it with other anabolic agents like GH or thyroxine.

Testosterone can convert to estrogen within fat tissues, sometimes causing breast enlargement and fluid retention. Typical dosages for muscle gain range from 250-1000 mg/week, but higher doses may lead to significant side effects; beginners should always start with lower doses.

While protein mass increases gradually, many athletes report enhanced performance under strenuous training due to augmented red blood cell production. Most bodybuilders favor testosterone enanthate for its accessibility, athletic benefits, and ability to promote health, positive nitrogen balance, and potential fat reduction.


All analogues of testosterone carry a risk of virilization in women, exacerbated by prolonged use. Signs may include voice deepening, excessive hair growth, menstrual irregularities, mood fluctuations, and clitoral enlargement. Immediate cessation of the drug is advisable at the first indication of symptoms, as some effects might be irreversible.


As with all anabolic steroids, testosterone enanthate presents some potential side effects, generally mild and well tolerated. Commonly observed effects after 3-4 months include:

  • Menstruációs rendellenességek
  • Virilization
  • Voice deepening
  • Klitorisz bővítés
  • Gynaecomastia
  • Uncomfortable erections
  • Alopecia, acne, oily skin
  • Fluid retention
  • Nausea, jaundice
  • Rare liver cancer
  • Mental health alterations
  • Elevated cholesterol levels

Most side effects are reversible; however, breast growth and some virilization effects may remain. Concurrent use of estrogens to mitigate virilization might not always be effective. Children’s use requires careful monitoring due to potential bone maturation acceleration without corresponding linear growth, leading to anatomical distortions.


Caution is essential when using testosterone enanthate in individuals with:

  • Breast cancer or hypercalcemia
  • Liver dysfunction
  • Prostate cancer
  • Cardiac conditions

Some individuals have reported dry cough or breathing difficulties post-injection, linked to the oil base or impurities. Regular liver enzyme and blood hematocrit testing is advised to maintain normal health standards during use.


Thanks to its extended half-life, testosterone enanthate can be detected in urine long after usage. Advanced testing can identify testosterone or metabolites in urine for 3-4 weeks post-discontinuation and even trace traces in hair for up to 2-4 months. However, detection rates are not foolproof, with around 50% of users possibly evading detection based on testosterone/epitestosterone ratios.


The legality of obtaining testosterone enanthate can be challenging. Many bodybuilders acquire it through the black market, with generic formulations in Europe and Mexico being widely accessible. Prices vary, with 250 mg vials costing between $10-$20. Increased scrutiny from the DEA over the last two decades has resulted in a rise of counterfeit products, leaving buyers to navigate their options carefully.

További információk
Csomag mérete

1 ml







250 - 1000 mg hetente

Aktív összetevő

Tesztoszteron enanthate

Felezési idő

10,5 nap

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Aburaihan Testosterone Enanthate 250 1 ml amp (250 mg/ml) termékről 1 értékelés

Szűrők törlése
  1. Roby R. (megerősített tulajdonos)


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