Calvin Scott Stanogen-100 Depot 10 amps (10x 100 mg/ml) EXPIRATION
Purchase & earn 68 points!€ 55,00 원래 가격: € 55,00.€ 34,00현재 가격: € 34,00.0.00059727 0.00036922
Calvin Scott Stanogen-100 Depot 10 amps (10x 100 mg/ml) EXPIRATION: Calvin Scott Stanogen-100 Depot 10 amps for enhancing muscle gain and performance.
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스타노졸롤 - 윈스트롤
Winstrol, also known as 스타노졸롤, is a synthetic anabolic steroid that mimics testosterone. This compound exhibits both anabolic and androgenic properties and can induce virilization in women.
Once readily accessible, Winstrol has become scarce. Despite rampant online claims, many internet-sourced products are often fake or contaminated, making it perilous for users seeking genuine anabolic steroids. The sale of these substances is illegal and heavily monitored by the DEA. Many examined online formulations have been found to contain non-effective additives or unreliable ingredients, creating substantial risks for bodybuilders seeking pure products.
Winstrol has a rich history as a testosterone derivative. Developed by Winthrop Laboratories in the 1960s, it primarily treats hereditary angioedema and has seen exploration for use in severe anemia and HIV-related weight loss cases. Previously utilized in livestock for enhancing weight gain, its intramuscular form is now hard to find due to abuse and associated risks.
의학에서의 복용량
This compound can be administered intramuscularly to support livestock growth. In humans, 스타노졸롤 is available as an oral tablet, with typical dosages being 2 mg three times daily for conditions like hereditary angioedema. Generally tolerated over 1-3 months, users observe anabolic effects peaking at 3-4 weeks. Mild androgenic effects may occur at higher doses.
As with all anabolic steroids, Winstrol can produce side effects, though most are rare and manageable. Common adverse effects include:
- Jaundice
- Hepatic necrosis
- Rare liver cancers
- Testicular atrophy
- Decreased libido
- Mood swings, including depression and anger
- Gastrointestinal distress
- Gynecomastia
- Deepening of voice in women
- 탈모
- Increased hair growth in women
- Fluid retention
- Elevated blood sugar
- Decreased HDL cholesterol
Most side effects are reversible post-cessation; however, some virilizing effects may persist. Women should discontinue use at the slightest sign of virilization as these changes can be permanent. Additionally, there are concerns regarding severe liver damage associated with prolonged use, warranting regular liver function monitoring.
금기 사항
Winstrol is not suitable for:
- Men with breast cancer
- Individuals with prostate cancer
- Women with breast cancer or hypercalcemia
- Pregnant women
- Those allergic to steroidal drugs
Dosage for Bodybuilders
Bodybuilders often utilize 스타노졸롤 to augment muscle mass and enhance athletic performance without water retention, selectively targeting fat while preserving protein. Medical dosages range from 2-6 mg daily, while bodybuilding doses can exceed 15 times that amount. As potency may vary between brands, such as the popular Thai formulations versus Pfizer’s, doses can range from 30-100 mg/day. Due to liver toxicity, caution is advised with higher dosages.
Injectable versions are available, typically administered into the buttocks. Care must be taken to alternate injection sites to avoid complications. Bodybuilders frequently cycle Winstrol before competitions and cease use 2-3 weeks beforehand to evade detection.
Many report significant muscle gains after 3-4 weeks, enhancing performance in the short term, despite misconceptions about higher doses yielding better results. Experts recommend limiting use to 4-6 weeks and cycling with other substances such as Masteron and Oxandrolone. To combat water retention, diuretics may be incorporated.
Furazabol, an alternative to 스타노졸롤, shares similarities but may improve cholesterol profiles, though this benefit diminishes at higher doses.
Due to its potent anabolic properties and minimal androgenic effects, 스타노졸롤 is favored by female athletes. However, prolonged use at elevated dosages can lead to irreversible virilization.
All sports organizations prohibit Winstrol, with rigorous urine testing to detect its presence for up to 7 days post-use, despite popular belief. Recent detection advancements can identify metabolites for up to 2 months. Many bodybuilders are influenced by peers; however, awareness of the risks is essential.
Cost and Availability
Numerous online sources claim to sell Winstrol, but amid DEA scrutiny, product legitimacy may be compromised. The most prevalent U.S. formulation is sourced from Thailand, with illegal imports from Mexico, Russia, and Europe. Prices average $2 per tablet, with a typical package costing between $150-$200 for 200 tablets.
It’s crucial to purchase pills from reputable dealers to ensure product quality.
스타노졸롤 is classified as a schedule 3 drug under the Controlled Substance Act, necessitating a physician’s prescription. Possessing or distributing it without authorization can lead to significant legal ramifications. Heightened awareness of the adverse effects associated with steroid abuse has prompted stricter regulations, with many physicians hesitant to prescribe these substances due to potential misuse concerns.
패키지 크기 |
10 amps(10 ml) |
브랜드 | |
성별 |
남성 ,여성 |
유형 |
injectable |
복용량 |
하루 30 - 50 mg |
활성 성분 |
스타노졸롤 |
반감기 |
1일 |
만료 |
III.21 |
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