This item was produced by Negma in France, and for some time was the last remaining injectable worldwide that contained the extremely potent steroid trenbolone. It was discontinued in 1997 however, and currently no real Parabolan can be found on the black market. This profile is still included for interest value, plus to help you understand the variety of Parabolan fakes that are still out there.
Somatrop-Lab Trenbolone Mix 10 ml vial (150 mg/ml)
In stock
Hilma Biocare Parabolan 10 ml vial (75 mg/ml)
In stock
MultiPharm HealthCare Parabolan 10 amps (10x 76 mg/ml)
In stock
Balkan Pharmaceuticals Parabolan 10 amps (10x 100 mg/ml)
In stock
Euro-Pharmacies Eurobolan 10 ml vial (80 mg/ml)
In stock
British Dragon Trenabol Depot 100 10 ml vial (100 mg/ml) EXPIRATION
In stock
Magnus Pharmaceuticals Parabolan 10 ml vial (76,5 mg/ml)
In stock
Magnus Pharmaceuticals Tri-Trenbolone 200 10 ml vial (200 mg/ml)
In stock
Euro-Pharmacies Eurobolan 10 amps (10x 80 mg/ml)
Out of stock
Euro-Pharmacies Tri-Trenbolone 10 ml vial (150 mg/ml)
Out of stock