Testosterone propionate is a commonly manufactured, oil-based injectable testosterone compound. The added propionate ester will slow the rate in which the steroid is released from the injection site, but only for a few days. Testosterone propionate is therefore comparatively much faster acting than other testosterone esters such as cypionate or enanthate, and requires a much more frequent dosing schedule.
SIT Testovis 2 amps (2x 100 mg/2 ml)
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Somatrop-Lab Cut Stack 10 ml vial (150 mg/ml)
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Somatrop-Lab Testosterone Propionate 10 ml vial (100 mg/ml)
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Euro-Pharmacies Testosterone Propionate 15 ml vial (75 mg/ml)
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Hilma Biocare Cut Stack 10 ml vial (150 mg/ml)
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Titan HealthCare Prop 10 amps (10x 100 mg/ml)
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Balkan Pharmaceuticals Propandrol 10 amps (10x 100 mg/ml)
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Euro-Pharmacies Cutting Mix 200 10 ml vial (200 mg/ml)
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Euro-Pharmacies Testosterone Propionate 10 ml vial (100 mg/ml)
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Genesis Test-Prop 100 10 ml vial (100 mg/ml)
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Body Research Testolic 10 amps (10x 100 mg/2 ml)
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Hilma Biocare Testosterone Propionate 10 ml vial (100 mg/ml)
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Mr. Olympia Steroid Cycle #2
Acetate, Anastrazole, Clenbuterol, Fluoxymesterone, Mesterolone, Oxandrolone, Propionate, Propionate, Tamoxifen, HGH - Human Growth Hormones, Special packages
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Cutting Steroid Cycle #3
Acetate, Clenbuterol, Clomiphene, HCG, Mesterolone, Oxandrolone, Propionate, Stanozolol, Special packages
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Advanced Steroid Cycle #3
Anastrazole, Clomiphene, HCG, Methandienone, Mix, Oxymetholone, Propionate, Stanozolol, Undecylenate, Special packages
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